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  • Demoss Hall Project

    Monday, December 13, 2010
    This project was a bit of a surprise to us in that it wasn't one of the scheduled projects for the semester. The idea was we needed to choose an aspect of student life at Liberty and make a piece of artwork that displayed that aspect. My group chose the sports at Liberty - most students LOVE to support our sports teams and the football games are some pretty intense games. We wanted to represent a lot of the different sports offered here at Liberty but were unable to do so simply because of how many there are. So we stuck with the basics: soccer, football, basketball, volleyball, baseball/softball and track. Our inspiration was the iPod advertisements - we liked the idea of the silhouettes on bright colored backgrounds. We got permission to use photos taken by students across campus and used the live trace tool to come up with this look. I think that overall we achieved our goal as our artwork was one of the few chosen to be displayed in the halls of Demoss!

    Photo-realistic Illustration

    The idea behind this assignment was that we were supposed to promote a product of Unilever. I chose Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia because I thought (the key word is thought) that if I chose a product that already had a 2D approach to it that it would be easier. Who knew how wrong I could have been. This was by far the most trying and stressful project we had. However, once I started to understand what a gradient mesh is and how to use it the project became a little easier. The entire illustration is made up of gradient meshes - a very trying experience!

    Clucks & Moos

    Clucks & Moos is a fictitious children's website that educates them on farm animals and our assignment was to design a home page for the site. It doesn't have to be a working page - just the design was needed. In order to incorporate my own personal style into something that has to be entertaining for children I used the classic farm animal shapes and a font that would draw a child's eye. This assignment was a little difficult for me in that I couldn't make up my mind as to what elements I needed to focus on and what would make sense to a child. In the end my design is simple yet useable with a fun edge.

    Book Illustration - Wicked

    "The answer, of course, is that the clock isn't meant to measure earthly time, but the time of the soul. Redemption and condemnation time. For the soul, each instant is always a minute short of judgment."

    The main idea behind this project was to take a passage from a book, poem, song, etc. and illustrate it in a way that is our own style. I wanted to take the main ideas from the book Wicked and incorporate them into my illustration as the passage I chose in a way sums up the entire book. The idea was to show redemption and condemnation separated by Elphabala's scarf since she so carefully walked the line between the two. Each part of the illustration is specific to different parts in the book that really define what the above passage is about. 

    Stuck On U

    "Mama always said, 'If you keep making that face it will get stuck that way."

    This group assignment was to create a cartoon/comic/sketch idea that included the people in our group as the main characters. Our idea was a cartoon based on three college students who as young children got their faces stuck the way you see. They are now going to college and dealing with the things that any college aged girl goes through - liking boys, gossiping girls, and extra harsh professors. From the left they are Sarah, Kelly and Heather. We were all very proud of this one!

    Zoo Icons

    Taking our basic shapes assignment a little further, the Zoo Icon Problem took a little more thinking and effort. Our assignment was to make signs for a zoo that would show where certain animals could be found. It was a lot more difficult than it originally sounded. To be able to break an animal down to its most basic elements so that every person that saw it would be able to recognize "Oh, this is the way to the tigers" was very difficult. Especially for animals that aren't as distinct as tigers.

    Basic Shapes Problem

    In order to truly understand the power of shape one must practice using basic shapes to make real objects. By practicing to use the basic shapes tools in Illustrator our class learned that complex illustrations can be made from the basic shapes we learned in grade school. We had to make ten simple objects and one more complex "object". My entire city is made up of rectangles and one half circle. And my smaller objects are made up of seen and unseen circles, rectangles and triangles.